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St Mawes Storms 2016

12 April 2016 - 9:46am
St Mawes Storm Spring 2016
Idle Rocks Storm
St Mawes Storm
St Mawes Cornwall Storm


Once again St Mawes has been battered by some spectacular storms. A low pressure coupled with the spring tides and other factors resulted in some rather interesting conditions! Unfortunatly the Idles Rocks was once again flooded and the Ship & Castle cafe suffered some damaged. The folllowing days however were lovely with no wind and sunny skys. What a difference a day makes!

Author: Tim Lowe
Date: 10/04/2016
Source: https://vimeo.com/162270222
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode

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